The System 7 drag and drop utility files in this folder were written by Scott Lindsey, Manuel Veloso and Kevin McMurtrie (except that I designed SoundTrack's icons). They are freeware.
Use them to convert 8-bit or 16-bit, mono or stereo QuickTime movie files:
- SoundTrack converts movie soundtracks to AIFF format.
- Movie2Snd converts movie soundtracks to System 7 sound file (sfil) format.
- Fast Player is a tiny QuickTime movie player.
This MOOVTools Collection will be updated periodically as new tools appear, and it will also be expanded to include other helpful files as time goes on. The collection is posted online as a way of saying thanks to all the nice people who made Cool Mac Sounds the success that it is. And I also get to plug the Second Edition, published 1/94 <grin>.
Converting Audio CD Tracks
Use either Fast Player or Movie2Snd. Use the "Open" command to locate the audio CD in your CD-ROM player. When you click on a track ("Track 1", etc) you will see the button change from "Open" to "Convert".
If you have an Apple CD300 drive you're all set. Because the ability to decode the audio tracks is in the player's controller, you must have an Apple CD300 drive; or a Toshiba 3401-based drive with a compatible CD-ROM driver (Apple's does not work with non-Apple drives).
Cool Mac Sounds second edition: the Plug
Many more System 6 and System 7 conversion tools are on the "2 Cool Sounds!" diskette which accompanies the second edition of _Cool_Mac_Sounds_, published by Hayden.
The diskette also includes professional and original sound effects, all created in 16-bit stereo and carefully remastered to Mac-compatible 8-bit format.
In _Cool_Mac_Sounds'_ second edition there are chapters devoted specifically to QuickTime, CD-ROM, Sound Manager 3.0 and 8- and 16-bit sound file conversion. The information and examples in the chapters will help you understand how to create, edit, and convert sound-only QuickTime movies or QuickTime movie soundtracks.
Look for Cool Mac Sounds in your local bookstore. The second edition is on the shelves!
Special Diskette Offer
A special diskette offer for those who have bought either edition of Cool Mac Sounds is available through BMUG: "BMUG Sounds '94" is a 1.4MB diskette with additional freeware, shareware and sound effects files which simply couldn't fit onto the one disk included with the book.
It will be available from BMUG by mail and at the BMUG booth at MacWorld Expo in January.
This diskette costs $4 plus $2 shipping and handling (50% off the normal BMUG shipping charge). You may pay by check or credit card.
Call BMUG at 510-549-BMUG
fax 510-849-9026,
or write to BMUG, Inc., 1442A Walnut St., #62, Berkeley, CA 94709-1496.
The order must include
(1) your name,
(2) shipping address,
(3) credit card number and expiration date, and
(4) daytime phone number.
MOOVTools™ Collection 1.00 10/31/93
MOOVTools™ Collection 1.01 01/31/94: replaced Movie2Snd with v 1.0.1
MOOVTools™ Collection 1.5 05/31/94: added Fast Player